ICCTF visits its energy mapping software project in Surakarta

In furtherance of the energy saving programme in Surakarta, the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and Politeknik ATMI Surakarta are now developing the Street Lighting Information (SLI) in potential Karanganyar tourism area in which up until now has no proper street lighting. ICCTF went for a site visit to the project in Sukuh Temple area, Karanganyar, Surakarta, August 19, 2015.
The SLI is a software programme which collects data on the amount of electricity used in certain area. This data could be used by the local government to be more accurate in paying the electricity bill and to use the excess funds to install more lighting. During the site visit, the team from ATMI and ICCTF examined the current state of the street lighting around the temple before the actual mapping survey begins later this month.
Pak Sanitriyoso, Secretary of Sanitation and Landscape Gardening (DKP) of Surakarta, said that the SLI programme would bring a lot of positive impacts to the area, since proper street lighting would be able to reduce the risk of traffic accident at night. Ibu Syamsidar Thamrin, Head of Sub-Directorate of Climate and Weather of National Development Planning Board/Bappenas, said that this was a complex programme since it involves many institutions on the application. However, she remained optimistic on the continuation of the programmeand viewed it as a very positive plan to increase the efficiency of the use of energy.